Hi There,
I know this post is really old, but I'm just trying this now. I'm using Radius and I can log in fine, but essentially with this command I should be able to login also with my local accounts but it wont.
Need a means to configure access, for the exact same example given above that I've just experienced. I use NAC and the LDAP connector went down so the switch thought Radius was fine but I couldn't log in!
This is actually on a Flow Collector PV-FC, but not that that should make any difference.
Here is the code I'm running and the account config:
# Chassis Firmware Revision:
# system
set system login martin super-user enable password :729ed2e55344a0d9c99493d08d8f
0bd61103b4eaf93ab3e922228d8d:1: local-only yes
set radius enable
set radius timeout 15
set radius server 1 x.x.x.x 1812 :3f7f042f478affa92567813d84e6f4dc509bd1455f1e8fabc5fdc12b:
set radius realm management-access 1
set radius max-sessions 3000 1
set radius server 2 x.x.x.x 1812 :067122fafa364e2210024536cdd648ce487a8ab76004f01fdb572cdb:
set radius realm management-access 2
set radius max-sessions 3000 2
set radius algorithm round-robin
set radius accounting enable
set radius accounting server 1 x.x.x.x1 1813 :e44f6aa51428eeeee32ca72377ff18853bc4148b1ffa2795b7ab3ae4:
set radius accounting retries 3 1
set radius accounting timeout 10 1
set radius accounting server 2 x.x.x. 1813 :9bb21f6e35aaaab03d260965fcff19a6c445b876f97fd1f7be6c2cdb:
set radius accounting retries 3 2
set radius accounting timeout 10 2Many thanks in advance.