I need to setup a port channel between two VMware environment and extreme summit switch X460.
I have try to configure this and it break the connection on extreme but when I move back the cables to cisco everything is working fine.
I want to verify the steps that I take are correct or someone please correct me.
This is what have configured on extreme switch
configure vlan LAN-SERVERS add ports 1:4,1:5 untagged
enable sharing 1:4 grouping 1:4,1:5 algorithm address-based L2 lacp
compare to cisco configuration
interface Port-channel5
description ESXi01-CPT Management
switchport access vlan 106
switchport mode access
logging event trunk-status
logging event bundle-status
load-interval 30
arp timeout 10
spanning-tree link-type point-to-point
interface GigabitEthernet0/9
description ESXi01-CPT NIC05
switchport access vlan 106
switchport mode access
logging event trunk-status
logging event bundle-status
load-interval 30
keepalive 30
mls qos trust cos
channel-group 5 mode on
interface GigabitEthernet0/10
description ESXi01-CPT NIC05
switchport access vlan 106
switchport mode access
logging event trunk-status
logging event bundle-status
load-interval 30
keepalive 30
mls qos trust cos
channel-group 5 mode on