Hi Marki,
you can try to classify the VoIP-admin thingy frames using a policy, and use that policy to assign them to the voice VLAN. The PC port would be untagged, and you could still use a tagged voice VLAN on the port for all frames (phone, pc data, pc voice-admin thingy).
set policy rule profile-index {ether | icmp6type | ip6dest | ipproto | ipdestsocket | ipsourcesocket | iptos | macdest | macsource | tcpdestport | tcpsourceport | udpdestport | udpsourceport} data [mask mask] {[vlan vlan] [cos cos] | [drop | forward]}
vlan vlan Specifies the action of the rule is to classify to a VLAN ID.
I have not tested this, but it might be worth investigating.
Edit: The above is for frames entering the switch port. For frames exiting the switch port you would need both VLANs configured for untagged egress. Thus you would need to use a policy (e.g. applied dynamically via dot1X) to classify voice frames from the telephone into the voice VLAN and prevent the phone from expecting tagged frames. (I had a customer once who used dot1X, multiuser-auth, and policies to implement a voice VLAN without using tagged frames between phone and switch.)
Edit2: Using a classification rule for VLAN assignment might allow to use two VLANs for frames from/to one "user", i.e. MAC address, as opposed to using user authentication to assign the MAC to one VLAN.