Hello Erhan,
These dont necessarily mean something is wrong. This could be the result of a related application such as traffic shaping.
Its been some time since working with the X - but as I remember, the messaging is related to an M8 FE module and indicate, in this case, packets at the head of queue 15 and queue 7 have been aged out. Any time a packet is in queue for 2 seconds this age event takes place.
The condition may be transient - or it may be a symptom of some other root cause.
-may result from any sustained condition involving rate limiting or soft-path forwarding that might lead to packets stacking in buffer; congestion when using large queue depths. One case may be bcast/multicast buffering due to a variety of egress conditions on a group of ports. (ex: 10hdx port and a 10g port on the same vlan egress list)
- may be a symptom of degraded network service due to a root cause such as loop or a flow control interaction.
- sampled netflow and rmon p-cap tend to make these messages more prevalent.
These tend not to be critical messages (notice level) but if you are interested in further investigation I recommend opening a case with our GTAC support team to include more of your environment's specifics.
One mitigation approach could be to make queue sizes smaller.
See release notes and Matrix-X system documentation for default queue structure and configuration.
best regards,