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Can't import api from exos

Can't import api from exos

New Contributor
Hey everybody!

I'm working on a project with an Extreme Networks Summit X440-8p running firmware-version I want to write a python script, but I'm stuck at the beginning.

The Python Scripting Guide ( tells me I have to import api from exos with the following line:

"from exos import api"

Unfortunately, every time I want to execute my script (which just has a print command at the moment), there's an error:

"* X440-8p.81 # run script print_test
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/config/", line 1, in
from exos import api
File "/exos/tools/lib/python2.7/site-packages/exos/api/", line 21, in
File "/exos/tools/lib/python2.7/site-packages/exos/api/", line 10, in
ImportError: No module named _exos_ext_ems".

What am I doing wrong? It's exactly how the scripting guide tells me to import the api. This site tells me the same:

Has anything changed since it looks like this site is for software-version 15.7.1 whereas I'm running

Thanks in advance!

Extreme Employee

api.exec_cli() needs a dictionary as a first argument, not a string.

cmd = ['show vlan']
output = api.exec_cli(cmd,5)

should work.

New Contributor
Ok, so i just figured out that the output won't be printed to the telnet-session-CLI but to the native CLI. Because that worked, I tried to execute a CLI command (show vlan), but it printed "command parse error" and "This command ("h") is not supported using execCLI XML API"

This is our code:
import sys
import logging
from exos import api

# Setup Logging
logger = logging.getLogger('xml_reader_process')
logHandler = api.TraceBufferHandler("MyBuffer", 5120)
logHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(threadName)s:%(name)s:%(funcName)s.%(lineno)s:: %(message)s"))


def main():
if not hasattr(sys, 'expy') or not sys.expy:
print "Must be run within expy"

print "Main started"
output = api.exec_cli("show vlan",5)
print output


except BaseException, e:
logger.error("Exception on startup, {}".format(e), exc_info=True)

And this is the output:
Main started
Command parse error
This command ("h") is not supported using execCLI XML API.
Command parse error
Command parse error
Command parse error
Command parse error
Command parse error
Command parse error
Command parse error
I couldn't find a list of the supported commands, but I thought every CLI command would be supported - except those that has to be prompted?

It would be great if someone could have a look at our code and could explain what we're doing wrong!

Thanks so much šŸ™‚

New Contributor
Hi Dave,thanks for your comment - the code works like a charm ļ™‚ Unfornutaley, we would like to run this script periodically without any user-interaction. Therefore, we would like to write a native python app which we yould start as a process.

We tried to do a print output to the console with the code-example in the python scripting guide (

After we created the process with "create process test python-module test start on-demand" and started it with "start process test" it just says "Started test successfully". No print-output to the console at all... We even tried to run the example in the python scripting guide, but it just said "Buffer "MyBuffer" not found in MyFirstApp"

Can you give us any advice what we're doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Extreme Employee
I want to add to Dave's post. I created a script that will pull the ports, RX and TX bandwidth and display the data.

The function called cmd2data is used to make CLI output into a table of dictionaries.

Calling cmd2data function to run 'show port utilization bandwidth':
print cmd2data('show port utilization bandwidth')Output of the print command above is displayed below for one port only as an example:
{'show_ports_utilization': {'linkSpeed': 0, 'rxPeakBytesPerSec': 0, 'portNoSnmp': 0, 'txBytesPerSec': 0, 'portList': '1-54', 'rxPktsPerSec': 0, 'txPeakBytesPerSec': 0, 'txBwPeakPercent': '0.000000', 'rxBytesPerSec': 0, 'linkState': 0, 'rxBwPercent': '0.000000', 'samplingTime': 15, 'rxPeakPktsPerSec': 0, 'rxBwPeakPercent': '0.000000', 'txPeakPktsPerSec': 0, 'txBwPercent': '0.000000', 'txPktsPerSec': 0, 'port': 1}
The show_ports function grabs the data you want from the output that you want and prints it. You could add to the script to tftp the data to a tftp server. Hope this helps.

Python Script.
def cmd2data(clicmd):
import re
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
re_reply = re.compile(r'.+?', re.DOTALL)
xmlout = exsh.clicmd(clicmd, capture=False, xml=True)
data = []
for reply in re.finditer(re_reply, xmlout):
if reply:
reply_xml =
root = ElementTree.fromstring(reply_xml)
for message in root.iter('message'):
for element in message:
mdata = {}
edata = {}
for e in element:
text = int(e.text) if e.text is not None and e.text.isdigit() else e.text
edata[e.tag] = text
mdata[element.tag] = edata
return data

def show_ports():
port_util = cmd2data('show port utilization bandwidth')
port_table = {}

for line in port_util:
port = line['show_ports_utilization']['port']
rx_bw = line['show_ports_utilization']['rxBwPercent']
tx_bw = line['show_ports_utilization']['txBwPercent']
print ("Port Number: %s --- RX BW: %s --- TX BW: %s") % (port,rx_bw,tx_bw)
print ("__________________________________________________________")
return port_table


Script output:

# run script portutil
Port Number: 1 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 2 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 3 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 4 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 5 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 6 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 7 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 8 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 9 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000
Port Number: 10 --- RX BW: 0.000000 --- TX BW: 0.000000

This is impressive Stephen. Thanks.

Python in EXOS....very powerful together!