I was able to get this up and running this past week. I was actually facing two issues that was keeping my configuration from working.
#1 - It seemed like just when I was about done configuring the extreme switch, my entire network would hit the wall. I figured this had to have something to do with my default VLAN and it seemed like I had a loop somewhere. Turns out that when I hastily removed my dying Cisco switch and connected the Extreme switch, I had patched in a copper connection that was setup as a trunk port. This was in addition to the fiber connection that I was using as a trunk port. Oops! The copper connection was a precursor to the fiber run and should have never been reconnected.
#2 - I don't think that my Cisco side was setup properly. I had a hard time finding a good example of what my Cisco port should look like that was connected to my Extreme switch. You know, the whole "trunk port" versus "tagged port" thing.
Here is what my Cisco side port currently looks like:
interface GigabitEthernet10/14
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,470,475
switchport mode trunk
no ip address
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
spanning-tree link-type point-to-point
Note that I thought I would need "allowed VLAN 1" in addition to the others, but that proved to be a mistake.
Also, related but unrelated --- once I had taken care of these two problems, DHCP worked just like it was supposed to with setting up VLAN's 10 and 270 as untagged, but then tagged on port 50 (my fiber uplink port). And then I also fooled around with using a voice VLAN. With my Cisco switch, I can add a "voice vlan" to a port in the config, and my Cisco phone will automatically jump on it. With the Extreme switch, I needed to add port 475 as TAGGED on an untagged 470 port. And then, I needed to go onto the Cisco phone and set the Admin VLAN port setting to 475.
Here is my final Extreme config for the curious ...
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure sys-recovery-level switch reset
# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-54
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-54
configure vlan default delete ports 1-46, 48
create vlan "MainHosp1FL"
configure vlan MainHosp1FL tag 10
create vlan "TrailerData"
configure vlan TrailerData tag 470
create vlan "TrailerVoice"
configure vlan TrailerVoice tag 475
configure ports 49 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure ports 50 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure ports 51 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure ports 52 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure ports 53 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure ports 54 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure vlan Default add ports 47, 49-54 untagged
configure vlan MainHosp1FL add ports 50 tagged
configure vlan MainHosp1FL add ports 15 untagged
configure vlan TrailerData add ports 50 tagged
configure vlan TrailerData add ports 1-14, 16-46, 48 untagged
configure vlan TrailerVoice add ports 1-14, 16-46, 48, 50 tagged
configure vlan Default ipaddress
# Module fdb configuration.
# Module rtmgr configuration.
configure iproute add default
# Module mcmgr configuration.
# Module aaa configuration.
configure account admin encrypted "SNIP"
# Module acl configuration.
# Module bfd configuration.
# Module ces configuration.
# Module cfgmgr configuration.
# Module dosprotect configuration.
# Module dot1ag configuration.
# Module eaps configuration.
# Module edp configuration.
# Module elrp configuration.
# Module ems configuration.
# Module epm configuration.
# Module erps configuration.
# Module esrp configuration.
# Module ethoam configuration.
# Module etmon configuration.
# Module exsshd configuration.
# Module hal configuration.
# Module idMgr configuration.
# Module ipSecurity configuration.
# Module ipfix configuration.
# Module lldp configuration.
# Module mrp configuration.
# Module msdp configuration.
# Module netLogin configuration.
# Module netTools configuration.
# Module ntp configuration.
# Module poe configuration.
# Module rip configuration.
# Module r.png configuration.
# Module snmpMaster configuration.
# Module stp configuration.
configure mstp region 000496989e7f
configure stpd s0 delete vlan default ports all
disable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan default
enable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan Default
# Module synce configuration.
# Module techSupport configuration.
debug tech-support configure max-collectors 2
# Module telnetd configuration.
# Module tftpd configuration.
# Module thttpd configuration.
# Module vmt configuration.
# Module vsm configuration.