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ELRP implementation

ELRP implementation

New Contributor
Hello everyone,
I have some issues configuring ELRP and need a few clarifications 🙂

So, I have several access switches called ToR that connect to the core switches.
I want to enable ELRP on all ports except uplinks to the core switch.
On every ToR switch I have around 70 vlans. I thought that I can copy/paste the config but it is not a solution as I'm receiving warnings that not all ports are in that VLAN.

* Slot-1 ENSX670V-01.15 # configure elrp-client periodic "Backup_2" ports 1:1-48,1:50-52,1:54-64,2:1-48,2:50-52,2:54-64 log-and-trap disable-port egress duration 30WARNING: Port 1:1 does not belong to Backup_2!

I ignored the message and continued with my vlans until I was stopped by:
* Slot-1 ENSX670V-01.22 # configure elrp-client periodic "VDI_Provisioning_PFDC" ports 1:1-48,1:50-52,1:54-64,2:1-48,2:50-52,2:54-64 log-and-trap disable-port egress duration 30
Configuration reply is too big
Configuration failed on backup Node, command execution aborted!

Did some tests..I am able to issue the command if I reduce the number of "port list"; is there any command to add ports to an existing elpr session for a vlan ?

Another way would be to configure elrp on all ports for each vlan but do we have a command to exclude a specific port after that?


I too do not see why the ELRP packets going out the uplinks. If the links leave the building and physical loops are not possible you could simply leave your "noloop" vlan off those ports. The the links go to other stacks within the building I would think you would want the protection to span those ports. Thanks

New Contributor
I would do the same thing if it was up to me .
The only problem with this solution is that it is still sending elrp packets on the uplink ports...

Yes, but wouldn't it have to, in order to detect a loop?
Reading, it says that the switch sends out a packet on every configured (including the uplink, in my approach) port, and sees if it gets it back on another port.
If I have a switch scenario like:
/ \
EdgeSW-1 EdgeSW-2and have a vlan with untagged port 1 on Edge-1 and Edge-2, and tagged ports 55 on Edge-1 and Edge-2 (the uplink ports), same vlan on the Core between Edge-1 and Edge-2, and configure elrp both on Edge-1 and Edge-2, wouldn't the only way that I can detect a loop between Edge-1 and Edge-2 (let's just say 'physical cable') be because I the packet goes out port-1 Edge-1 and comes in on Edge-1 port 55 - or out Edge-1 55 and back in on Edge-1 port 1?
If I wouldn't include the uplink port on the elrp port list (OK, 'all vlan ports'), I'd never detect the loop, even if it existed.

Now, if you're only concerned with loops on a single Edge switch (for instance because you don't have the same vlan on another Edge switch, then you could live without the uplink port in ELRP - but I fear you'd then have to specify every port that's in the vlan, except the uplink port, and only ports that are part of that vlan.
And if you add ports to the vlan, you'd probably have to add them manually to the ELRP list. And that would just drive me nuts, because I know I'd screw up sooner or later (but that's juist me  )

Standard disclaimer - I may have something wrong. Also, I only have BlackDiamon/Summit 460/480/670s running EXOS 15.4 or higher.

Contributor II
Call me a cheater, but I just do:

enable elrp-client
configure elrp-client disable-port exclude
configure elrp-client periodic ports all interval 5 log disable-port duration 300 ...

I don't even care what ports are in which vlan - I just do it by vlan "all ports".