ā10-25-2022 05:22 AM
hello everyone,
We have an issue with some switch x450-48p and x440-24p.
These switch when boot up did not load the primary configuration (that is previus saved), below the steps done:
1)Boot up a switch that have factory default config
2)change account admin and do come configuration
3)save the configuration (primary and secondary)
4)power off the switch removing the cable
5)power on the switch inserting the cable
6)At this point the switch always start with factory default configuration
Tried force the primary conf with: use config primary, safe config
same problem.
Below logs from the switch after point 5):
12/07/1919 09:15:39.69 <Info: HAL.Card.Info> Switch is operational
12/07/1919 09:15:39.65 <Noti:BOOTF.Client.AutoPrvsnEnb1>Auto-Provision is enabled on the switch.
12/07/1919 09:15:37.29 <Info:AAA.authPass> Login passed For user admin through serial
12/07/1919 09:15:33.01 <Noti:EPM.system stableāŗ System is stable. Change to warm reset mode
12/07/1919 09:15:32.37 <Crit:cm.file.openErrāŗ Failed to open file "/config/@.cfg": No such file or directory
12/07/1919 09:15:32.37 Ā«Warn:cm.Warning> Config Selected is overridden by BootFlagConfigName(/proc/extr/nvram/configname) = e
12/07/1919 09:15:28.99 <Info:telnetd.info> **** telnetd started *****
12/07/1919 09:15:26.87 <Noti:SNMP.Subagent.MstrRestrt> snmpMaster process has been restarted.
12/07/1919 09:15:26.01 <Info: SNMP.Master.InitDoneāŗ snmpMaster initialization complete
12/07/1919 09:15:24.60 <Info:DOSProt.Initāŗ DOS protect application started successfully
12/07/1919 09:15:23.51 <Info:tftpd.info>**** tItpd started *****
12/07/1919 09:15:22.71 <Info:nl.initāŗ Network Login Framework has been initialized
12/07/1919 09:15:21.63 <Info:SNMP.Subagent.InitDone> snmpSubagent initialization complete
12/07/1919 09:15:19.59 ā¹Noti: DM.Notice> Node State[3] = OPERATIONAL
12/07/1919 09:15:17.97 ā¹Info:HAL.Sys-Infoāŗ External Power Supply is disconnected.
12/07/1919 09:15:17.97 <Info:HAL.Sys.Infoāŗ Internal Power Supply is disconnected.
12/07/1919 09:15:16.09 ā¹Noti:DM.Notice> Node State [2] = STANDBY
12/07/1919 09:15:16.09 <Info:DM.Info> Node INIT DONE
12/07/1919 09:15:15.91 <Info:telnetd.info> telnetd listening on port 23
12/07/1919 09:15:15.52 ā¹Noti:DM.Noticeāŗ Node State[l] = INIT
12/07/1919 09:15:14.94 <Info:HAL.Sys-Info> Hal initialization done.
12/07/1919 09:15:13.92 Ā«Info:HAL.Sys-Info> External Power Supply is powered off.
12/07/1919 09:15:13.92 <Info:HAL.Sys-Info>ExternalPowerSupplyispresent.
12/07/1919 09:15:13.92 Ā«Info:HAL.Sys-Info> Internal Power Supply is powered off.
12/07/1919 09:15:13.91 Ā«Into:HAL.Sys.IntoĀ»InternalPowerSupplyispresent.
12/07/1919 09:15:13.81 <Noti: HAL.Sys.Notice> Module in fan slot 1 is inserted
12/07/1919 09:15:12.83 <Info:HAL.Sys.Info> Starting hal initialization
12/07/1919 09:15:11.13 <Noti:DM.Notice> DM started
12/07/1919 09:15:11.11 <Noti:NM.StrtProc> The Node Manager (NM) has started processing.
12/07/1919 09:15:10.34 <Noti: EPM.startāŗ EPM Started
12/07/1919 09:15:09.92
i think key line are:
12/07/1919 09:15:32.37 <Crit:cm.file.openErrāŗ Failed to open file "/config/@.cfg": No such file or directory
12/07/1919 09:15:32.37 Ā«Warn:cm.Warning> Config Selected is overridden by BootFlagConfigName(/proc/extr/nvram/configname) = e
unable to find any information about that, no support from extreme (hehehehe have to pay lol)
any advice?
thank you
ā10-26-2022 08:14 AM
If you save it as "default.xsf" it will automatically run it and apply the commands after a reboot.
Chris Thompson
ā10-26-2022 05:18 AM
If it's because of the empty battery, you could save the config as default.xsf. This will be loaded, if your switch is 'empty'.