I'm unable to find the option to set MaxFanInPorts on any AVB enabled switch I have and I didn't see the option in the manual either.
Per the AvNU documentation on MSRP:
MSRP provides a parameter that may alleviate this potential problem in some cases if it does occur. By setting msrpMaxFanInPorts to a non-zero value less than the total number of ports, latency could be reduced. The price for the reduced latency is the reduction in the number of ports that can simultaneously have active listeners attached to them.
TGDAVIDF01.1 # sh msrp MSRP Status : Enabled MSRP Max Latency Frame Size : 1522 MSRP Max Fan-in Ports : No limit MSRP First Value Change Recovery Time : 30000 (ms) MSRP Ignore Latency Changes : Off MSRP Talker VLAN Pruning : Off MSRP Boundary Change Rate Limit : Off, Limit 16, Period 30 seconds MSRP Reservation Rate Limit : Off, Limit 125, Period 1 seconds MSRP Enabled Ports : 47 48 *52ab MSRP Sharing Bandwidth : Master Port only Total MSRP streams : 0 Total MSRP reservations : 0 Flags: (*) Active, (!) Administratively disabled, (a) SR Class A allowed, (b) SR Class B allowed, (g) Load sharing port
I know how to set this in a Netgear AVB switch and even in the new Cisco AVB enabled models, how do I set this option in the Extreme switches?