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how to prioritize dscp packets entering my network

how to prioritize dscp packets entering my network

New Contributor II
I have an x450 extreme summit switch in my network with all types of traffic and no QoS policy setup. I have a server outside my network that sends traffic into my network. These packets come in with an IP header value/Diffserv = 51

How can I get my switch to prioritize the packets tagged with diffserv 51 to make sure I don't drop these packets?


Extreme Employee
If you have already followed the steps mentioned by Kevin, you can check the egress queue traffic per port using the command below:

show ports qosmonitor

The output will show the corresponding egress queue (QP5, for instance) incrementing.

You can check the article below for some additional explanation:

Configuring QOS profiles and verify QOS is working on EXOS

Extreme Employee
My apology. I should have mentioned it earlier. The strict priority scheduling is set by default. You can change scheduling by 'configure qosscheduler [strict-priority | weighted-round-robin]' command.

New Contributor II
How can I implement the strict priority scheduling? The switch is currently "dumb" except for some VLANs and ip addresses.

Extreme Employee
I assume you would use the strict priority scheduding. If so, you don't need to change weight which is for WRR. The higher queue will be processed first in the strict priority scheduler.