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How to setup passwordless SSH into X450a-48t switch

How to setup passwordless SSH into X450a-48t switch

Contributor II
Create Date: Jun 3 2013 8:19AM


I'm trying to setup automated backup of the switch and I'd like to have the script to login to the switch without using password.
How do I setup the SSH keys so I can ssh/sftp from a linux box into the extreme switch without password?

(from juha_a)

Contributor II
Create Date: Oct 15 2013 2:16PM

Yes this is correct but:

I can't get my public key to conf file via CLI so I have to copy my pub key via scp to switch memory a then use command:

save => for save my key in configuration then:
configure sshd2 user-key . . . . . => for bounding my login with pub key.

Important note:
When you transfaring file which contains pub key you have to rename it!! For example: to id_rsa.ssh and then system automatically adds this file to key database.

Thats all  (from steja)

Contributor II
Create Date: Jul 18 2013 5:01PM

it will create filename.ssh on root directory which contains a public key. Is this what you need?

Thanks, that was precisely what I needed!

(from jhhyde2)

Contributor II
Create Date: Jun 21 2013 6:10PM

Haven't tested, but:

create sshd2 key-file host-key filename

it will create filename.ssh on root directory which contains a public key. Is this what you need?

(from Luis_Coelho)

Contributor II
Create Date: Jun 20 2013 6:01PM

Here's one for the crowd;

How can I view the public key generated by the switch itself? I've got no problems going from the server to the switch, however the reverse is not possible without a pub key for the authenticated hosts file on the backup server.

The case scenario is having a cron on the backup server that touches an .xsf script that uses scp to send the config file back up to the backup server. In this scenario with out a key share trust the password would need to be sent from each switch to the backup server.

I've seen any number of ways to input the public keys of external servers, however not the reverse.

Thanks in advance for any insight, I think I'm just missing something basic in the config/command reference guides. (from jhhyde2)

Contributor II
Create Date: Jun 11 2013 1:27PM

Answering the question:
create sshd2 user-key adminkey (paste your pub key here) subject "anything" comment "anything"
configure sshd2 user-key adminkey add user admin

if you don't want to use the default admin account, you might create another account for backup:
create account admin backup s3cr3tp4ssw0rd

then it would be
create sshd2 user-key backupkey (paste your pub key here) subject "anything" comment "anything"
configure sshd2 user-key backupkey add user backup
(from Luis_Coelho)