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Is this ExtremeXOS 15.7.4-Patch1-2 is stable one???..

Is this ExtremeXOS 15.7.4-Patch1-2 is stable one???..

New Contributor
Is this ExtremeXOS 15.7.4-Patch1-2 is stable one???... Yapp it is much old....but still need to know whether it is stable or not....or any other patch which is stable for Extreme OS on 15. 7 which can be used to update ??

Valued Contributor III
Hello Saugat, Welcome to The Hub! We're glad to have you.

Contributor III
After 20 years of various versions of XOS what Patrick says is spot on... You have to look at your hardware and configuration then read the release notes. What has worked for us through the years is trying to keep new switches being installed with current release and code before we install them. Existing switches out in the network have secondary image with best release and patch loaded and ready to take over if the switch get rebooted for any reason. We also keep track of bugs or features in each image that would also dictate an upgrade to a different image. We have not seen any issues running and operating multiple versions of code across our systems. We are a metro carrier so we are all about layer 2 transport services and don't use the Extreme for our BGP internet routing and we don't deal in LAN type services like a lot of users here. What works for us and the versions of code we are using may not be the answer for you..

Extreme Employee
Hello Saugat,

To Andre's point the term "stable" is relative term. We make recommendations but because there are so many models and different ways to configure the switch there is no guarantee that you will not run into an issue at some point. The best thing to do is analyze the release notes and determine if there are any open issues that may cause a problem on your switch or with your configuration.

Extreme Employee

there is a recommondation on our website:

It's a good advice to use the image that fits your system.
