Hi there,
We've run into some problems when configuring limit-learning on load-sharing ports with lacp.
We use configure ports X vlanY limit-learning 0 action stop-learning combined with a static fdbentry as an L2 security measure. It works fine on normal ports, but something weird happens when we apply the same configuration to a sharing master port - lacp members of said sharing can start flapping sporadically. Removing limit-learning doesn't help, neither does disabling and enabling sharing on these ports. The only solution we found is that case is physically moving links do different ports and creating a new sharing there. This problem is not reproduced 100% of the time though, we have some LAGs that work fine with limit-learning. This is seen on both X460-48t with ExtremeXOS version, and X670-48x on Is there a cure for that? Any suggestions would be most appreciated!