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Contributor II

we have Windows servers with that nifty Broadcom "Teaming" option as well as Linux CentOS servers with "Bonding" - and of course VMWare hosts with their virtual "switches". Now to set them up properly for both speed aggregation and/or redundancy I need a sanity check please. (EXOS version 15.4.x.x / 15.5.x.x)

(1) Easy scenario: If the team plugs into the same switch, all I need to do is LAG the two ports (sharing/grouping), right? I have both speed aggregation and redundancy.

(2) If the team plugs into two different switches that are connected via an ISC link, do I treat it as a regular MLAG setup? I.e. vlan ISC, add the LAG port, give IP addresses, create mlag peer, enable mlag on port (grouped, if we're going to extremes), all done? (See Concepts Guide example page 294 or thereabouts) Do I still have speed aggregation and redundancy?

(3) Now for the tricky part. Let's say the team plugs into two different (Summit) switches that do NOT have an ISC between each other, but those two switches are lagged to two switches (BlackDiamonds) who have MLAGs to those edge switches (Summits) defined. Kinda your 'standard'(?) two-tier scenario.
What do I do in this case (3) ? I think I have proper redundancy, how about speed aggregation? Do I need to configure anything interesting on the Summits? BDs? Anywhere?

In all those 3 scenarios, do things change depending on if I use Windows/Broadcom Teaming vs. Linux Bonding or VMWare's virtual switch? In the case of VMWare, I presume I just treat it like a regular switch, though, like scenario (3).

And two general questions. The ISC vlan, can I put it on its own separate Virtual Router, like "VR-ISC", just to make sure I don't accidentally enable ipforwarding and route things to it?

Regarding the MLAG-ID, that's just an ID that's unique ID per switch, but has to be the same on the peering switches, right? I'm second-guessing myself after reading this statement "...and an "mlag-id" which is used to reference the corresponding port on the MLAG peer
switch..." in the Concepts Guide.

Thank you!


Contributor II
Thanks for your reply!

No true speed aggregation?! That's a bit of a bummer - I was hoping for better throughput to our backup servers. Well, I guess two sessions at 1GB each is still better than before - just not as good as one session at 2GB. Unless I misunderstand 'session'. Possibly (probably?) my fault for not quite exactly understanding Link Aggregation (like I also thought that lacp was enabled by default. Which it is not.)

As to the ISC vlan being in a separate VR - that may have been a stupid question. As soon as you separate VLANs into different VRs (for whatever reason), and have those various VLANs across multiple 'Summit' switches, you'll basically have to have a VR agnostic ISC link or you'd be in trouble really fast. Don't know how to prove/test this, though right now.

Scenario 3 - wouldn't it be sufficient to say "enable sharing X grouping X lacp" on both switches and let lacp sort it out in a Windows/Linux (I can see the loop problem in vmware virtual switches) teaming/bonding environment? In the worst case, my switches should start generating at least a nice warning, right (and hopefully block a port) in the default config.
Apologies if my ignorance shows - I'm trying not to fall off the learning curve.

Hey Frank,

First of all: There is no real speed aggregation. LAGs work with some sharing algorithm, but that's session based. E.g. if you have a server connected by 4x 1G, the maximum speed for a single session is still 1G.

Scenario 1: You're right. Simple sharing, done.

Scenario 2: The two switches that the server is connected to need to be MLAG peers. Than you'd need to add the ports the server is connected to to a MLAG, using the same MLAG ID on both switches.

Scenario 3: In the worst case you've got yourself a loop. Don't do that.

For all scenarios: You _have_ to talk to your server guys. Teaming can be anything, same for bonding. That depends on whatever they configure on their server(s).

  • The most simple thing they can configure is active-standy. Works for every scenario and you don't have to do anything at all.
  • They can also configure static active-active. Works for scenario 1 and 2. You have to configure a static (M)LAG on your switch(es).
  • My preferred solution is to configure LACP on both sides. This basically adds a control protocol to a LAG and should also work with MLAG. Both the server guys and yourself have to configure that on the server(s) and the switch(es). Again, valid for scenario 1 and 2.
Those points are true for Windows teaming, Linux bonding and VMware vSwitch.

Regarding your general questions:

I honestly don't know if you can put the ISC in a seperate router, but I don't think so.

MLAG IDs have to be the same on both switches in order to recognize that's in reality it's one host connected to two different switches.