My x670v-48x switch is running in standalone mode with sw version The switch had a default configuration and I tried to set a new admin password by issuing the following command
configure account admin encrypted *****
My existing console session timed out and when I tried to relogin, I could not do so. I also tried the default admin with no password, but it does not work.
I did a hard reboot of the switch and followed the procedure to press the Spacebar key to get into the bootrom mode.
I think I am in the bootrom mode and not in the bootstrap mode as I see the prompt. I checked the documentation and also googled on many forums and in all cases it is mentioned that I must do a "config none" in the bootrom mode to boot the switch with the default config.
Unfortunately, when I enter the "config none" command, I get the following error
BootRom > config none
config: Command not found. Try 'h' for help!
This is the commands that I see in the Bootrom prompt
BootRom > h
Boot and Load
pboot boot
oload load memory from hostport
load load file
boot boot an image
loader Sets which BootLoader BootStrap will boot
call call function
devls list devices
reboot Reboot system (hard reset)
flash program flash memory
show display information
cpu select cpuinfo
c continue execution
t trace (single step)
to trace (step over)
db delete break point(s)
b set break point(s)
g start execution (go)
sym define symbol
ls list symbols
r display/set register
l list (disassemble) memory
bt stack backtrace
h on-line help
help on-line help
? on-line help
sh command shell
vers print version info
eval evaluate and print result
stty set tty options
plvl Set the debug print level
hi display command history
about about PMON2000
ifaddr Configure Network Interface
defflash Program DEFAULT BootLoader image from Compact Flash or Ethernet
altflash Program ALTERNATE BootStrap image from Compact Flash or Ethernet
ping ping remote host
map show memory map
m modify memory
d display memory
compare compare memory to memory
copy copy memory to memory
fill fill memory
search search memory
mt tests all available memory up to 2GB using 64 bit physical addresses
update Update Boot Flash Code
env display variable
set display/set variable
unset unset variable(s)
eset edit variable
Compact Flash
cfopen open a file on the CF
cfclose close a file on the CF
cfread read bytes from CF file
dir list contents of CF directory
cd change working CF directory
pwd print working CF directory
configip configure the bootloader ip address
download download an image
BootRom >
Please help. I dont mind if my configuration is lost, but I somehow have to recover this switch at the earliest.