09-15-2020 03:27 PM
I am looking for something that on cisco switches is fairly simple, namely to set up a switch in boundary two step mode. I have found an example online on extremenetworks on how to set up a switch in boundary mode as a part of a larger network. My problem is the example is so big, and I am not sure if I need that much of functionality. I have some other cisco nexus switches where we set them up as the script I have added under (I have removed similar entries for all the ports to make it a bit easier on the eye)
Is it a simple solution to do this for the extremenetworks switch also, or do I have to follow the manual on this page: https://documentation.extremenetworks.com/exos_22.6/GUID-FB16C189-2B1F-4BEF-A54F-31A7B5F24119.shtml
(This is the boundary switch as shown in this picture.https://documentation.extremenetworks.com/exos_22.6/GUID-C89C202A-17C3-4E75-BCA7-79A45B774A9D.shtml )
My concern is that it might be a relatively simple matter to set up also on the extreme networks switch, so before I spend to many days understanding the example, I thought it would be good to ask the community.
The switch I have is a X460G2-24t-10G4.10 that supports PTP. I have updated it to the latest and greatest that exist of firmware.
Here is the script we normally use for the nexus switches.
feature ptp
ptp domain 0
clock protocol ptp
ptp source
interface ethernet 1/1
speed 100
no shutdown
ptp sync interval -2
interface ethernet 1/2
speed 100
no shutdown
interface ethernet 1/46
negotiate auto
no shutdown
no ptp
interface ethernet 1/47
negotiate auto
no shutdown
ptp sync interval -2
ptp sync interval -2
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary diameter 2
spanning-tree vlan 1 hello-time 2
spanning-tree vlan 1 forward-time 4
interface ethernet 1/1
spanning-tree port type edge
interface ethernet 1/19
spanning-tree port type edge
interface ethernet 1/20
spanning-tree port type edge
copy running-config startup-config