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stacking-like mode in EXOS

stacking-like mode in EXOS

New Contributor II
Is there a possibility to add in EXOS a fetaure that will be like:
enable stacking-like-support
I just need all ports to be in X:Y notation in normal mode (no to waste 10G ports).

In future, config might be easily moved to real stacking environment..

Extreme Employee

For the topic to go back to a x:y notation for standalone switches, it's interesting to note that at the introduction of stacking (a long time ago) this was the default behavior.

Then customers complained a lot about it, and the port notation has been changed.

just a simple command:
enable stacking-like-port-numbering
this should be good for both teams 

You should be able to create one yourself from eSupport, or eventually ask for it to your local team. But it's always difficult, some will want no slot notation on standalone, others will ask for it. Ideally both should be supported, if that's possible 🙂

So, if you could please add a feture to keep X:Y port numbering in stand-alone mode - I'll appreciate.