I seem to have an insane amount of ARP traffic on my network - to the point that I think it's the reason that all my lights are flickering! It's all "who has" requests coming from my core switch, and it appears to be happening on every single VLAN but with different IP addresses.
It keeps looking for the same two or three hosts, and never stops. The hosts being different for various VLANs, but the request (tell ______) is always my core switch which owns the gateway and it's IP.
Could it be something I did with my bootprelay configuration? Here is an example of one of my VLAN's ...
configure vlan MainHosp1FLD ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan MainHosp1FLD
enable bootprelay ipv4 vlan MainHosp1FLD
configure bootprelay add vr VR-Default
configure bootprelay add vr VR-Default
Here is what I am seeing in Wireshark ...