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x440 stack enable sharing issue

x440 stack enable sharing issue

New Contributor
I have an issue with LAG across stack (4x Summit x440-24t-10G stacked via SummitStack-V):

Slot-3 Stack.18 # sh slot
Slots Type Configured State Ports
Slot-1 X440-24t-10G X440-24t-10G Operational 26
Slot-2 X440-24t-10G X440-24t-10G Operational 26
Slot-3 X440-24t-10G X440-24t-10G Operational 26
Slot-4 X440-24t-10G X440-24t-10G Operational 26
Slot-5 Empty 0
Slot-6 Empty 0
Slot-7 Empty 0
Slot-8 Empty 0

Slot: Slot-3 * Slot-1
------------------------ ------------------------
Current State: MASTER BACKUP (In Sync)

Image Selected: secondary secondary
Image Booted: secondary secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

Config Selected: primary.cfg
Config Booted: primary.cfg

primary.cfg Created by ExtremeXOS version
396528 bytes saved on Thu Oct 29 16:26:54 2015

The stack seems to be OK, all nodes are online and operational, XOS version on all nodes.

I need to create 8 ports LAG (LACP enabled) across stack (SFP ports 23-24 on each stack node), but something goes wrong:

Slot-3 Stack.21 # enable sharing 1:23 grouping 1:23-24,2:23-24,3:23-24,4:23-24 lacp
Error: No valid port(s) in the specified "portList" value "1:23-24,2:23-24,3:23-24,4:23-24".
Configuration failed on backup Node, command execution aborted!

I tried to create 2 ports static LAG across stack (for example copper Ethernet 1:1,2:1 with 1:1 as master port), but got similar issue:

Slot-3 Stack.22 # enable sharing 1:1 grouping 1:1,2:1
Error: No valid port(s) in the specified "portList" value "1:1,2:1".
Configuration failed on backup Node, command execution aborted!


New Contributor
Slot-3 Stack.6 # enable sharing 1:1 grouping 1:1
Warning: Any config on the master port is lost (STP, IGMP Filter, IGMP Static Group, MAC-Security, CFM, TRILL, etc.)

Slot-3 Stack.7 # configure sharing 1:1 add ports 1:2
Warning: Any config on the master port is lost (STP, IGMP Filter, IGMP Static Group, MAC-Security, CFM, TRILL, etc.)

Slot-3 Stack.8 # configure sharing 1:1 add ports 2:1
Error: No valid port(s) in the specified "portList" value "2:1".
Configuration failed on backup Node, command execution aborted!

Hardware revision should not matter as long as they can see each other and the stack builds properly everything should work just fine.

Also i noticed that Master- Slot 3, Backup - Slot 1, but they differs by hw revision, i think (slot 1 & 2 are 800475-00-13 Rev 13 switches, slot 3 & 4 are 800475-00-08 Rev 8 switches).

Extreme Employee
Hi Chingis,

Can you try to enable sharing just using the master port in the grouping? like so..

enable sharing 1:1 grouping 1:1

If this works try to add port 1:2. Like so..

configure sharing 1:1 add ports 1:2