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x460 config XGM3SB-4SF Module

x460 config XGM3SB-4SF Module

Contributor II
Create Date: May 15 2013 5:19PM

Hello all,

I've got 2 x460-48t switches both with the XGM3SB-4SF module plugged into Slot B. I am trying to connect these switches together via one of those 10G ports and use the other 3 ports for server connections. The switches see the modules, but I do not get any link when plugging them in. I'm sure I'm missing something ridiculously simple.

sh switch =
System Type: x460-48t
Current State: OPERATIONAL
Image Selected: primary
Image Booted: primary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

Config Selected: primary.cfg
Config Booted: primary.cfg

sh ver =
Switch : 800322-00-09 1302N-40822 Rev 9.0 BootROM: IMG:
XGM3SB-4sf-B-1: 800443-00-03 1305G-01654 Rev 3.0

Image : ExtremeXOS version v1531b4-patch1-10 by release-manager
on Mon May 6 13:35:50 EDT 2013
BootROM :
Diagnostics : 5.10

sh stacking =
Stack Topology is a Daisy-Chain
This node is not in an Active Topology
Node MAC Address Slot Stack State Role Flags
------------------ ---- ----------- ------- ---
*00:04:96:83:52:18 - Disabled Master ---

sh stacking stack-ports =
Stack Topology is a Daisy-Chain
Slot Port Select Node MAC Address Port State Flags Speed
---- ---- ------ ----------------- ----------- ----- -----
*- 1 Native 00:04:96:83:52:18 Link Down -- 20G
*- 2 Native 00:04:96:83:52:18 Link Down -- 20G
* - Indicates this node

Thank you for your help.
-Joe (from Joe_Hanson)

Contributor II
Create Date: May 17 2013 2:15PM


Thank you so much for the response. I did not install this hot. I did however find the solution to my problem.
It turns out, in order to use the module and configure it, you need to upgrade the license on the switch. As these were brand new they were only running the L2 Edge license.

Thanks again.

Joe (from Joe_Hanson)

Contributor II
Create Date: May 17 2013 11:15AM

Hey Joe

did you install the module while the switch was up and running? If so you need to reboot the switch.

While you can install the module hot you need to reboot it for it to start working.

p (from Paul_Russo)