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Newb Stacking question

Newb Stacking question

New Contributor
Hi all,
I have a question regarding stacking. We purchased 3 X450e-48p switches off of EBay, and I want to stack them. I found an article indicating that all of the switches had to be the same license level, EXOS Version and Active Partition. Two of the three are at the same license level (Advanced Edge) and are running the same EXOS version - in the active partition anyway, the third license level is Edge, and its running a newer EXOS version. Will they still stack? If not, can i copy the EXOS firmware from one to the other? If so, how?
Any advice would be appreciated.



New Contributor
We use the routing and OSPF functions that come with the upgrade

New Contributor
I ran through the steps and sure enough, slot 3 failed. I ran the synchronize command on it, and slot 3 now says "Present" instead of failed, and running show slot 3 indicates Last Error: License mismatch. Also, the Management LED on the front panel is off instead of blinking. I assume that this is normal for this config?
Regarding John's comment about the firmware version, is it readily available, and what advantage would there be in upgrading - aside from getting the third switch on the same license level?

New Contributor
I believe the firmware version 21.x.x.x comes with the advanced edge license now, there is no need to purchase it anymore.

Extreme Employee
Hi David,

In order for the switches to be master capable, they have to have the same license level. I'd recommend to have the two switches with Advanced Edge as Master/Backup and then the third to just be the Standby node.

The image can't be copied from switch to switch as it doesn't have a TFTP server on it, just a TFTP client. Also the image isn't stored in an uncompressed/installable format on the switch.


Valued Contributor III
I was posting it here in case others find this thread in the future.