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(pending-AAA) login:

(pending-AAA) login:

I pulled out a switch from stacking it is a STANBY mode. But now this is the scenario. (pending-AAA) login: Warning: the stack has no Master node and all active nodes are operating with master-capability turned off. If you wish to reconfigure, you may log in using the failsafe account. Alternatively, you may use the special login 1. I tried many times the "REBOOT AS MASTER-CAPABLE" but again it nothing happen it did not resolve. 2. I tried also went into the bootroom and executed the command "Config none" but command is not accepted, it doesn't recognize the 'config' command. Please help. Thanks

Extreme Employee

If you are planning to add this unit back to the stack, i would recommend that you upgrade this switch to the same version of EXOS in the stack and boot the switch from the partition that is used by the rest of the stack units.

If you are thinking of using this switch as a stand alone unit, the below link gives you the information of the recommended version of EXOS for the corresponding hardware.

Note: When performing the upgrade from the bootRom prompt, please try to use the GA version of EXOS and then upgrade the switch to the patch version that is used by the other units of stack if considering of adding this unit back to the stack.

Thank You,

I will try to download a firmware and load via tftp. Do you have recommendation a version of a patch? It seems that to resolve it, is by changing the firmware

Hi Newbie,
You can find the recommend software version matrices from below link

Extreme Employee

Well if you are good to get this particular unit to default factory state, please follow the instructions in the link below on to upgrade the switch from the bootRom. This will reset the switch to the factory default.

Thank you,