We have been problems with a stack of switches when only one power phase failed, part of the stack shutdown. However, if stack changes management, one of each ports attached into the uplink(LAG) is recognized as a path physical and not as LAG. Multiple MAC addresses are associated in this path, causing failed connections on the entire network.
We can see in the stack and core that this port is a LAG´s member. In the core, macs are not physically associated in the port, but the stack it does.
We had disabled and enabled the port, but the problem persists yet. The problem is only solved by resetting the switch stack.
Stack B5G124-48P2 - Firmware
Port: ge.8.48
Key 103
LACP enable
Core S8 Bonded - Firmware
port ge.16.15
key 103
LACP enable
Stack B5.

S8 Bonded

Any Help?!