I have a network, where there are two MLAG peers at the core. Each peer is a stack made of one X670-G2 and one X460-G2. At the edge I have 12 stacks, each one made of 4 pcs.up to 6 pcs X440-G2. On every edge stack there is a lag using 2 x 10Gb, connected to MLAG peers:
enable sharing 1:52 grouping 1:52,4:52 algorithm address-based L3_L4 lacp
AFAIK, starting from 22.3 (or 22.x), there is stp enabled by default on all switch ports.
So I disabled it on uplinks to MLAG:
configure stpd s0 delete vlan Default ports 1:52
There is no more stp config within the edge stack (except defaults, of course).
Is it enough to have proper stp configuration accross the edge stack ?
What I am really trying to achieve, is a loop-free configuration, but elrp is not allowed as it is extreme-owned protocol.
Any suggestions ?