We have two stacks, each is made with 2 X670V-48t and 1 X670V-48x.
Stacking has been done using alternate ports 47 and 48.
Therefore 10G ports 45 and 49 on X670V-48t cannot be used.
Ports 45 to 48 are put as x in figure below:
We need to set-up a uplink 2x10G LAG between each stacked swith (SW stack1 and SW stack2) and a Juniper FW Cluster (FW1_1 and FW1_2).
In figure below, FW1_1 is Active while FW1_2 is Standby.
As no VIM module available on X670V-48t, the only way to do this is to establish this LAG between X670V-48x
and FW:
SW stack1 SW stack2
------------------------------- -------------------------------
x x x x
X670V-48t x x X670V-48t x x
------------------------------- -------------------------------
x x
X670V-48t x x X670V-48t x x
------------------------------- -------------------------------
x x x x
X670V-48x x x X670V-48x x x
------------------------------- -------------------------------
3:10 3:11 3:10 3:11
| | | |
2x10G 2x10G
| | | |
FW1_1 FW1_2
Suppose 3rd switch X670V-48x in the SW stack 1 leaves the Stack, while having its port 3:10 and 3:11 always Up.
FW1_1 will stay Active.
Is there a way to disable ports 3:10 and 3:11 is that condition, e.g. when switch 3 leaves Stack ?
This will force FW1_2 to become active via the other Stack.
Thanks, and kind regards,
Estelle Sonnic