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Trouble with bidirectional ping

Trouble with bidirectional ping

New Contributor
Hello everyone,

I have a problem with my switch configuration, the topology is the next:

In the ports 1-4 are my servers of videoconferencing and the ports 45-46 are the gateways to two junipers.

In the ports 25-28 are two Cisco VCS’s and a Dell Server, ports 47-48 are the gateways to the local core.

The configuration is the following:

show conf


# Module devmgr configuration.


configure snmp sysName "Infotec"

configure sys-recovery-level switch reset


# Module vlan configuration.


configure vlan default delete ports all

configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-64

configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-64

configure vlan default delete ports 1-4, 25-28, 30, 45-48

create vlan "Acano"

configure vlan Acano tag 61

create vlan "Local"

configure vlan Local tag 421

enable sharing 47 grouping 47-48 algorithm address-based L2 lacp

configure vlan Acano add ports 1-4, 45-46 untagged

configure vlan Default add ports 5-24, 29, 31-44, 49-64 untagged

configure vlan Local add ports 25-28, 30, 47 untagged

configure vlan Mgmt ipaddress

configure vlan Local ipaddress

enable ipforwarding vlan Local


# Module fdb configuration.



# Module rtmgr configuration.


configure iproute add default


# Module mcmgr configuration.



# Module aaa configuration.



# Module acl configuration.


configure access-list zone SYSTEM application NetLogin application-priority 4

configure access-list zone SECURITY application GenericXml application-priority 2


# Module bfd configuration.



# Module ces configuration.



# Module cfgmgr configuration.



# Module dosprotect configuration.



# Module dot1ag configuration.



# Module eaps configuration.



# Module edp configuration.


disable edp ports 1

disable edp ports 2

disable edp ports 3

disable edp ports 4

disable edp ports 45

disable edp ports 46


# Module elrp configuration.



# Module ems configuration.



# Module epm configuration.



# Module erps configuration.



# Module esrp configuration.



# Module ethoam configuration.



# Module etmon configuration.



# Module hal configuration.



# Module idMgr configuration.



# Module ipSecurity configuration.



# Module ipfix configuration.



# Module lacp configuration.



# Module lldp configuration.


enable lldp ports 1

enable lldp ports 2

enable lldp ports 3

enable lldp ports 4

enable lldp ports 45

enable lldp ports 46


# Module msdp configuration.



# Module netLogin configuration.



# Module netTools configuration.



# Module ospf configuration.


configure ospf routerid

create ospf area

create ospf area

configure ospf vlan Local priority 0


# Module ospfv3 configuration.



# Module pim configuration.



# Module poe configuration.



# Module rip configuration.



# Module r.png configuration.



# Module snmpMaster configuration.



# Module stp configuration.


configure mstp region 00049697b974

configure stpd s0 delete vlan default ports all

disable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan default

enable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan Default


# Module synce configuration.



# Module telnetd configuration.



# Module tftpd configuration.



# Module thttpd configuration.


enable web http


# Module vmt configuration.



# Module vrrp configuration.



# Module vsm configuration.

My question is that my switch can reach everyone and vice versa, but the servers of videoconferencing can’t reach no one of the switch. I already try with LLDP, LACP, even EDP, and no luck, is there some other protocol to try or what can I do? I really appreciate all your help.


Contributor II
Another thing that I've noticed is that your network management vlan is in the same network as vlan "local" - I don't know what can of worms that opens. (And what Jarek said, of course  )

New Contributor II

you have 2 vlans: Acano and Local, but ip address and ipforwaring are set only for vlan Local.
Is it correct config ? Do you have routing to those vlans somewhere else ? ( local core or gateways )
