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on VOSS which command to to use to add VLANs to a dynamic MLT (LACP) to cater for inactive aggregation ports

on VOSS which command to to use to add VLANs to a dynamic MLT (LACP) to cater for inactive aggregation ports

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My basic objective is to pre-configure a dynamic MLT (LACP) with VLANs assigned for a VOSS switch before physically connecting the intended switch.

I have multiple VOSS switch and multiple MLTs across them, so having it all pre configured before the numerous physical moves/changes is preferred.

I am trying to find if or which command to to use when you add the VLAN(s) to a dynamic MLT on VOSS when the  aggregation port(s) are inactive.

here is sample config,

mlt 27 enable

interface mlt 27
lacp enable key 27

interface GigabitEthernet 1/27
encapsulation dot1q
lacp key 27 aggregation enable timeout-time long
lacp enable
no shutdown

There are 3 possible commands for adding VLANs to the MLT, none seem to cater for the inactive aggregation ports, they all work fine for  active ports that are  LACP operational and bundled into the MLT dynamically,

mlt <mlt id> vlan <vid>


vlan member add <vid> <mlt port id>


vlan mlt <vid> <mlt id>

From memory I could achieve this on the legacy ERS 8800 switches with "config vlan 139 ports add 3/2-3/3" as an example, and when the inactive ports join the LACP MLT they had the required VLANs showing under "show mlt info".

Thanks, Roland


Extreme Employee
If you want to pre-configure the VLAN memebership of the LACP LAGs, before they actually come up, then the only way is to use the "vlan member add" command to add the VLANs to all the ports you expect to be LAG-ed together. With LACP LAG, it is the ports who own the VLAN membership, not the LAG itself. The commands to add vlans to the LAG/MLT instance will only work once the LACP LAG has formed. Of course the LACP LAG formation will only allow ports with the same config (including VLAN membership) to form a LAG.

View solution in original post


Extreme Employee
If you want to pre-configure the VLAN memebership of the LACP LAGs, before they actually come up, then the only way is to use the "vlan member add" command to add the VLANs to all the ports you expect to be LAG-ed together. With LACP LAG, it is the ports who own the VLAN membership, not the LAG itself. The commands to add vlans to the LAG/MLT instance will only work once the LACP LAG has formed. Of course the LACP LAG formation will only allow ports with the same config (including VLAN membership) to form a LAG.

Is this accurate?

When you add ports to an MLT and run the "show mlt" command it does not show the VLANs that the ports are assigned to. It will only show VLAN ID for VLANs assigned directly to the MLT itself.

Not applicable
seems I jumped the gun, should have search more first, found possible solution at end of here,

I will test it out.
