3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
I don't know how to get this command to populate any information. We are using 5320's on VOSS DHCP Snooping says its enabled and the ports all say untrusted. I have clients connected but table is blank. What am I missing? Thanks so much.
2 weeks ago
did you enbale it at interface vlan level?
How To: VSP: How to Configure DHCP Snooping | Extreme Portal
a week ago
Thanks for the reply.... well, no I don't think I have enabled it on int vlans, but is that a requirement for it to work on a gigabit ethernet interfaces? I certainly don't have interface vlans on every switch for every client IP network, so not exactly sure what you are getting at. More than the security feature itself I want to see from the switch what IP addresses all my clients have.