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AD Usernames have gone from Control>End-Systems after turning on Netlogin MAC&dot1x authentication

AD Usernames have gone from Control>End-Systems after turning on Netlogin MAC&dot1x authentication

Hello, everybody,

I've experienced the following issue:

1) I've configured identity-management on all switches - it allowed me to get hostnames and usernames of my Windows machines per port
2) I've found out how to send these data to Netsight>Control>Endpoint - great!
3) But I wanted even more - to get Device Family&Device Type data - and I did - now I see whether my clients are Androids, Windows or MAC OSx.

The problem is I don't get data in User Name column in End-Systems anymore. What had happened?

There were no configuration changes in identity-management!

I've noticed also that for some Apple clients I get the following error (below). I am not sure they can connect to network now( Could I fix it somehow?


Many thanks in advance,

No, it is already configured. Beside of main DHCP server, DHCP requests are sent to both NAC servers too. This particular allows as to get such data as Device Family and Device Type. I get these data at the moment.

But I've stopped to get data from identity-Management such as UserName. I have no idea how to get it back(

Identity-Management is an EXOS feature which allow us to snoop Kerberos traffic which contain such data as hostname and AccountName (AD username).