Apparently it has nothing to do with the prevention rules.
This is what I test:
I am configured with my laptop to the wifi (3705i), with radar license and all rules on except "Prevent any station from using an internal honeypot AP".
I disconnect the UTP cable from the 3705i AP and then I connect my laptop to another AP (other branch, it's a netgear cheap AP we use for testing also in the network).
Then I reconnect the 3705i again and I try to connect to it's SSD again and I am unable to connect, without a specific reason.
When I disable ALL radar prevention rules and I do the same test, result is the same.
Only when I DISABLE radar on that AP, then I can reconnect to that ap again.
I don't see anything in the logs, I can disassociate my computer from the AP and then it comes in the list again with client IP "N/A"
When RADAR is disabled and I simulate this test again, I can connect without a problem so it must have something to do with radar.
Since all prevention rules are disabled, this might be a bug maybe ?