04-06-2020 10:36 AM
Hello Everybody
together with a customer of my, we are struggling to configure ExtremeControle (NAC ) to communicate with Cisco ASA.
the setup is like this:
The Radius communication between the EAC and Microsoft NPS is already configured and works perfect. Is in use for other 802.1x authentication on the network switches
The SNMPv3, SSH and ICMP communication between the XMC and CISCO ASA works without a problem. The Cisco ASA is active in the network view of XMC.
Based on the info of Gtac ( https://extremeportal.force.com/ExtrArticleDetail?an=000078329) we configured the EAC and the cisco ASA, that seems to work but we are not able to authenticate VPN users.
our question is: has anybody already configure a setup like this and is there a example configuration available voor the Cisco ASA and EAC? so the we can check the differences with our configuration?
thank you for your responses
regards Rien
04-06-2020 08:34 PM
Hi Rien.
please check your mailbox. I send you oneconfiguration example.