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Guest essential approval sponsor

Guest essential approval sponsor

New Contributor


I just configured a onboarding policy, using "Send One-Time-Passcode on Sponsor Approval"

So the sponsor get a mail, and he has to permit or deny the access, then the guest will receive a passcode by mail or phone.

My question is, is it possible to not use the last step ? Like, just when the sponsor does permit the access, it'll automatically accept the guest without send him a passcode.

If not, is it possible to only have a passcode, and not need the user to put the "username" (that is his mail or phone number)

And, in a last time, I can customise the template as I need to put it on my own language, but can I modify like the sponsor form from widget ? I would like to translate it too aswell.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


New Contributor II

Same problem. Its all registered by mac address of the device, so why can't the system auto register after approval and just immediately allow access when approved? Why does the user have to put in the credentials (which so many of my users seem to screw up). Is this a feature request? Or is it buried somewhere in settings like the other commenter says. He said though that he was talking about a different product, so maybe extreme guest essentials doesn't allow you to do this?


maybe someone from the company could clarify.


Thanks a lot for you answer, could you precise me where do you find those options ? 

Is it well in the guest essentials dashboard ? 

Kind regards,

May I reply again to know where you can fin thoses options precisely ? 

Thanks a lot

Well I was first trying to do it by extremcloud IQ portal, using cloud captive web portal, but I couldn't make an approval sponsor thanks to it, is it possible ?