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AP Current Tx Power Level OFF

AP Current Tx Power Level OFF

New Contributor
Hi! I'm having a problem related to the transmit power of radio 1 in the V2110 controller. I've entered the correct license but as I can see, I can't get the band of 5 GHz working, even though I've tried changing the channel used, the maximum transmission power and changing the country in the AP configuration screen several times. It always stays as . I've also rebooted the AP from the Bulk Configuration tab. Right now it's radio 2 working with multiple SSIDS.
Thanks in advance!

Use the Static Configuration on the AP tab when editing an AP to get it's IP address. SSH to the IP address it reports under static config (admin, new2day) and do a cget config.

Paste the output of that here.

Extreme Employee
If they are that model I would suggest contacting the GTAC so we can review the ap trace log packages to see why it's not coming online.
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks

The model's 3825i

Extreme Employee
Some possible reasons:

The AP3801i is a feature rich, single radio 802.11ac or 802.11bgn indoor access point (AP)
You are using an E model access point (3825e) which requires an antenna to be selected before the radio will come online
The AP is not talking to it's local controller, it failed over to a backup. It will not take any configuration changes.

Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks