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C25 re-install

C25 re-install

New Contributor
C25 not booting - stuck on loading, refuses SSH
Has been somewhat temperamental from the start and would like to reinstall the OS - but with no interface to start with .. how is it done ? and is it possible to go directly to the latest stable release ?

New Contributor
Thanks - I read this after doing almost exactly that. I imaged the faulty drive ( bad sectors and all ). Then on the new disk upgraded to latest patch level and cleaned the filesystems - so far so good 

Extreme Employee
Recovery was on the HDD. Could use something like dd to try to make an image of one HDD to copy to the other, but at this point I'd probably go through the GTAC case to get a replacement 🙂

New Contributor
ok - so the story has rather taken a turn for the worse, Looks like the reason that I was facing issues was that the disk was on the way out. I have a case raised .. but there are complications .. whilst waiting for those to be resolved I have purchased a replacement HDD of exactly the same spec. I don't get the recovery console any more - I am guessing this was on the HDD. Is there a procedure for recovering to a new HDD ?

Extreme Employee
Good news Tim.
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks