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Captive portal NAC + Apple Devices OSX

Captive portal NAC + Apple Devices OSX

New Contributor II
Hi there,

we've been setting up a wireless lan solution with NAC + a couple of identify controllers.
At the moment we're fine tunning the guest network.

I'm running the latest NAC appliance software and version 9.21.04 on the controllers (5110 + v2110).

Right now I'm concerned with two different problems:

1 - Whenever I try to connect an Apple OSX device, it pops up an error:

If I ignore the error and go straight to the browser and open a random page then the portal appears and I can register a device. After the registration is successful I end up in problem #2.

2 - On all Apple devices, after the registration is successful the device never renews the IP address and the eventually an error in the portal is displayed. If I manually reconnect to the network than it gets the correct IP address.

Any suggestion?

Best Regards,



New Contributor II
I've opened a TAC case. I think the solution loses a lot of functionality by disabling the automatic captive portal detection. With the automatic popup disabled all goes as expected. Nowadays a normal smartphone user will open apps instead of a web browser. So no access until the web browser is opened...

New Contributor III
That is a global only setting. Sorry

New Contributor II
Well at least with IOS 9.2 double clicking the home button accesses the background processes but still closes the portal. I've upgraded the Nac and netsight yesterday to solve the Windows 10 issues (it solved them) so I'm wondering if this was introduced in the upgrade. I'm pretty sure I had this tested before. I don't really like to validate via email address because it implies the guest has a data plan to check his email. In a side question do you know if it's possible to disable the popup only on IOS devices? Right now I only know how to disable it globally in the EWC configuration...

New Contributor III
Im assuming you mean on an iOS device. What if you were to double press the home button to select the background process. Does it still fail then?