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Is it possible to monitor these APs eventhough they are not in one network?

Is it possible to monitor these APs eventhough they are not in one network?

New Contributor
Is it possible to monitor these APs eventhough they are not in one network? Could it possible to connect to the controller without using VPN?

Unfortunately this is *still* the case with firmware release I know from experience, because let's just say, "mistakes were made".  I am hoping Extreme will fix this some day. It's no trouble all for me to configure an TFTP connection with my public IP. It just doesn't work. Also, having an AP stuck in a boot loop is impossible to fix remotely!

New Contributor
Thanks for the response what the end user wants is that the controller could still get i formation from a remote AP. Eventhough its working on B@AP locally from a remote site.

Ummm... This post doesn't make any sense.. .. If you are asking if it is possible.. sure... static set controller IP with port forwarding with a public IP... cake.... Or just put an interface on the DMZ and do it that way. Otherwise you could just monitor the AP via PING with Nagios, Cacti, PRTG, Observium, LibreNMS, SmokePING.. etc...