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What is the best practice when setting up Extreme APs in a non-Extreme environment?

What is the best practice when setting up Extreme APs in a non-Extreme environment?

New Contributor
I want to configure and manage AP's in an environment with out Extreme switches or an wireless controller. Is there a best practice for this? What the best way to manage them without NetSight or OneView?

New Contributor
The site has a T1 connection from their ISP, they have one site that everything points to ( 5 or 6 small branches) with just an AP or a dumb switch. At their main site they have older Cisco switches and a server, phone system and a Cisco wireless controller that they do not want to continue using.

Extreme Employee
VPN would be the best way to secure them for Management purposes. Can you tell me a little bit more about your configuration?
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks

New Contributor
Is there a secure way to manage the AP's from our (we're an IT support company) WC without using a VPN?

Extreme Employee
Appliances in some form are the suggested model. Even if you were using a competitors AP, lets say it supports "the cloud" model or "software" that sits on a standalone server in your network, they are all still using some type of appliance the access points sends data to.
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks