01-22-2021 05:33 PM
Okay, I don’t know what’s happening here but this isn’t looking pretty. All of our AP650’s are losing connectivity multiple times throughout the day.
Look at this! Some AP’s will only do this once or twice and others are doing it often, like this ? There’s nothing indicating any type of error or issue. We didn’t have this problem on firmware 10.09rb.
I have a case open with GTAC, but are we the only ones seeing this issue?
03-26-2021 08:13 PM
I turned MU-MIMO off the radio profile I guess what it’s saying is the device is capable??
03-26-2021 08:13 PM
! I can tell you’ve been through the gammet of trying to figure out which settings and configure works. 17k AP’s,
WOW! Which model AP’s are you running? Thanks for your setup info. We did find that weak signal probe request suppression wasn’t needed with safety net enabled. Do you support a University or Corporation?
03-26-2021 08:10 PM
I’m very familiar with that command. Also I had 802.11h transmission power control set was that OK to leave on. I thought maybe I should turn that off.
03-26-2021 08:04 PM
03-26-2021 08:02 PM
Turn anything else off like beamforming or leave that on?