01-22-2021 05:33 PM
Okay, I don’t know what’s happening here but this isn’t looking pretty. All of our AP650’s are losing connectivity multiple times throughout the day.
Look at this! Some AP’s will only do this once or twice and others are doing it often, like this ? There’s nothing indicating any type of error or issue. We didn’t have this problem on firmware 10.09rb.
I have a case open with GTAC, but are we the only ones seeing this issue?
01-28-2021 04:51 AM
I’d recommend auth debugs for cli monitoring, that should show any disconnection messages to help narrow down what exactly is causing the loss of signal. This guide reviews how to enable auth debugs: https://extremeportal.force.com/ExtrArticleDetail?an=000065975&q=Auth%20debug
If you can record a couple MAC addresses of clients having issues during the down times, that will help us sort through the auth debug logs.
You can also try setting up a client monitor in the XIQ GUI to see if that gives us any insights. This guide reviews how to set up a client monitor (apologies for the outdated screenshots, I’ll update that guide soon): https://extremeportal.force.com/ExtrArticleDetail?an=000056843&q=Client%20monitor
01-28-2021 04:36 AM
I rolled back one of our 630s from 10.2r4 to 10.0r9b and it seems the reporting shows the same type of connectivity as before. (8 hour time range; it’s been on 10.0r9b since last reconnect ~12 hours previously)
Is there some way I can actively monitor the connected clients so I can see exactly what’s happening at each of those points when connectivity/memory/cpu all show 0? Is there an active log monitor via cli I can keep up possibly?
01-27-2021 05:27 PM
Thank you
You’re the best, hence why you’re our only beacon of hope. There are too many issues, Sam. CloudIQ monitoring going nuts/dropping reporting, GTAC not responding quickly, firmware updates that keep causing too many issues. We just want stable reliable WiFi, and I know that you know this. When educators lose their connection daily multiple times a day, K-12, because of buggy AP firmware along with CloudIQ having its own issues; it’s not acceptable.
Like what
We’re all worn out by this cycle of things not working as advertised. Okay, lunchtime. ✌
01-27-2021 04:57 PM
Hey guys, we do have a bunch of our engineers on here helping out, I’m just the most obsessed 😃 I also have to go bug other engineers for a lot of my answers, so there’s a lot of team contributions behind the scenes.
I have been following this thread, and I’m looking in to what we can do for you all. I didn’t want to jump in before I had something useful to contribute here but I’m definitely working on getting some help for you all!
I really appreciate you guys bring attention to these kinds of issues, please don’t hesitate to keep letting us know about these pain points.
01-27-2021 04:31 PM
I seriously only think it’s only Sam Pirok helping everyone on the forums. I never see any other engineers/support staff replying or helping her.
I’m calling in Gandolf