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Clients constantly connecting and disconnecting from same AP

Clients constantly connecting and disconnecting from same AP

New Contributor


I’m experiencing some strange behavior with a vast majority of clients.

They will connect with a good RSSI/SNR well beyond any roaming threshold, but constantly disconnect and reconnect to the same AP and radio.

Below is an example of one client who will stay connected to 2.4Ghz for less than a minute and then disconnect and reconnect.

We use both Radius onsite and Extremes PSK service and see it on both connections

I’ve tried going back to basics and removing things like SNR suppression, Turning radios down, Disabling lower rates, Enabling QOS airtime, Nothing seems to make any difference

I can attach tech data if needed





New Contributor
Any resolution on this?  We are seeing this on a single AP250 at 10.4.4

I'm seeing the same issue on 10.5r3 and have an open ticket too, but no clue yet.  I have mainly 230 and 250's.


New Contributor II
Sam, were you able to help with this? I recently upgraded to 10.4.3 at one of our large high schools and we are having this exact error.

err     ah_dcd: application: failed to get user name from auth rt_sta lib

It is wide spread and although I've seen several instances of this error in the past, I've never had it flooding our AP logs like it is now. These are AP650's.

I have an open case and uploaded AP logs this morning.


Thanks for any help. I have many client with issues disconnecting, dropping packets unable to associate.

Did you manage to find a solution? I have just gone from 10.3r3 to 10.4r3. We have APs with these filling their logs and people can't get onto our PPSK networks.