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Any idea how to backup a WM3700 Wireless Controller?

Any idea how to backup a WM3700 Wireless Controller?

New Contributor
Does anyone know how to save a backup config for the WM3700 Wireless Controller? I have read through the online manual and can't seem to find anything about this.

We had our controller lock up today, which required a power cycle to get everything back up and running. Makes me a bit nervous not having any sort of contingency plan in case this thing takes a dive.

Extreme Employee
Additionally, in the GUI, the same can be done by using the pull down menu and selecting 'Show Running Config' or 'Show Startup Config'. You can either copy the config as text or export the config using the preferred protocol.

Thanks for the help Taykin, this is exactly what I was looking for.

New Contributor
click the Statistics Tab

drill down till you see your controller ( mine is under System then under default )

pull down the little arrow on the right of the controller name

show startup config

from the new popup you can export the config to a tftp server,

or copy and past it to a file...

or log in the the cli with an ssh client and use a Cisco-like command

all one line:

copy startup-config tftp://


Thanks for the help Dave, this is exactly what I was looking for.