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ap7522e can be adopted by a wing 5 controller?

ap7522e can be adopted by a wing 5 controller?

New Contributor III
I have an ap 7522E with Wing Express. Can this ap be adopted by a controller with a Wing 5 version (no express)?
Is ap 7522e capable of changing firmware for ap7522 (not express)?



Hello Jose Luis,

Can you please share the output of the following commands for those express adopted APs?

show version
show adoption status
show mint link details

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for my poor english

What I do not understand then is because there is now an rf domain with 7522E ap that are yes adopted by the rfs controller (not express). Also in these aps 7522E yes I can configure them by CLI

I understand it's because they are now in version 5.7. and where this limitation was introduced was version 5.8. Then when the system is upgraded to 5.8, I will lose the management of these aps.

Thanks Daniel

Jose Luis,

I am not sure if I understand you... AP models do not change upon firmware upgrade. If the AP model is, for example AP7522E (as the one you have in the picture), after upgrade it will remain to have the same part number. In an RFS environment, you will not be able to adopt those APs independently of the version they are running as we do not have RFS EXPRESS controllers. An easy rule of thumb:

AP7522E - Will be adopted by VX9000E, NX7500E or NX5500E
AP7522 (Enterprise Model, no E in the part number) - Will be adopted by any RFS, NX or VX enterprise controller.

Hope this clarifies.

Kind regards,


sorry to bother you again daniel.
I have a client with rfs controllers in cluster and a park of 600 AP distributed in different rf-domain. For various reasons we have to upload the firmware of your system from version 5.7 to One of the rf-domain has all aps model 7522E. According to the article that you passed me I understand that when uploading the system to these APs will not serve.

Tranks. Regards.

sorry to bother you again daniel.
I have a client with rfs controllers in cluster and a park of 600 AP distributed in different rf-domain. For various reasons we have to upload the firmware of your system from version 5.7 to One of the rf-domain has all aps model 7522E. According to the article that you passed me I understand that when uploading the system to these APs will not serve.

Tranks. Regards.