PCSYS skiftede navn til Tecsys, og derfor har alle medarbejdere fået nye emailadresser.
Bo Trøigaard kan fremover kontaktes på: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys.com
Din mail er allerede videresendt til Bo Trøigaard's nye email, så du behøver ikke at gensende den.
PCSYS changed its name to Tecsys, which is why all employees now have new email addresses.
Bo Trøigaard can be reached at: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys.com
Your mail has already been forwarded to Bo Trøigaard's new email, so you do not have to resend it.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

T +45 43 43 29 29
From: 0100017c749b7f74-d070c548-62ac-436f-b77e-71c5a0a9afaf-000000@mail.connectedcommunity.org
Sent: tirsdag, oktober 12 2021 1:05
To: botr@pcsys.dk
Subject: ExtremeWireless (WiNG) : Bo Trøigaard har skiftet til ny email / has a new email
PCSYS skiftede navn til Tecsys, og derfor har alle medarbejdere fet nye emailadresser. Bo Trigaard kan fremover kontaktes p: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys... -posted to the "ExtremeWireless (WiNG)" community
Bo Trøigaard har skiftet til ny email / has a new email | | | PCSYS skiftede navn til Tecsys, og derfor har alle medarbejdere fået nye emailadresser. Bo Trøigaard kan fremover kontaktes på: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys.com Din mail er allerede videresendt til Bo Trøigaard's nye email, så du behøver ikke at gensende den.
PCSYS changed its name to Tecsys, which is why all employees now have new email addresses. Bo Trøigaard can be reached at: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys.com
Your mail has already been forwarded to Bo Trøigaard's new email, so you do not have to resend it.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
 T +45 43 43 29 29 infoDK@tecsys.com tecsys.dk
From: 0100017c749b58ad-7904797a-9d04-4f77-b454-904c6e72e9cb-000000@mail.connectedcommunity.org Sent: tirsdag, oktober 12 2021 1:05 To: botr@pcsys.dk Subject: ExtremeWireless (WiNG) : Bo Trøigaard har skiftet til ny email / has a new email
PCSYS skiftede navn til Tecsys, og derfor har alle medarbejdere fet nye emailadresser. Bo Trigaard kan fremover kontaktes p: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys... -posted to the "ExtremeWireless (WiNG)" community Bo Trøigaard har skiftet til ny email / has a new email | | | PCSYS skiftede navn til Tecsys, og derfor har alle medarbejdere fået nye emailadresser. Bo Trøigaard kan fremover kontaktes på: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys.com Din mail er allerede videresendt til Bo Trøigaard's nye email, så du behøver ikke at gensende den.
PCSYS changed its name to Tecsys, which is why all employees now have new email addresses. Bo Trøigaard can be reached at: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys.com
Your mail has already been forwarded to Bo Trøigaard's new email, so you do not have to resend it.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
 T +45 43 43 29 29 infoDK@tecsys.com tecsys.dk
From: 0100017c749b28dc-1ad29780-15ef-460b-88ab-f243ea73b64e-000000@mail.connectedcommunity.org Sent: tirsdag, oktober 12 2021 1:04 To: botr@pcsys.dk Subject: ExtremeWireless (WiNG) : Bo Trøigaard har skiftet til ny email / has a new email
PCSYS skiftede navn til Tecsys, og derfor har alle medarbejdere fet nye emailadresser. Bo Trigaard kan fremover kontaktes p: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys... -posted to the "ExtremeWireless (WiNG)" community Bo Trøigaard har skiftet til ny email / has a new email | | | PCSYS skiftede navn til Tecsys, og derfor har alle medarbejdere fået nye emailadresser. Bo Trøigaard kan fremover kontaktes på: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys.com Din mail er allerede videresendt til Bo Trøigaard's nye email, så du behøver ikke at gensende den.
PCSYS changed its name to Tecsys, which is why all employees now have new email addresses. Bo Trøigaard can be reached at: Bo.Troigaard@tecsys.com
Your mail has already been forwarded to Bo Trøigaard's new email, so you do not have to resend it.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
 T +45 43 43 29 29 infoDK@tecsys.com tecsys.dk
From: 0100017c749aed23-34f2e0c2-f38e-4069-bc7e-9a214921ed1f-000000@mail.connectedcommunity.org Sent: tirsdag, oktober 12 2021 1:04 To: botr@pcsys.dk Subject: ExtremeWireless (WiNG) : Display number of clients
I noticed that of the vlans that break out locally, no users are shown in the show wireless clients command. WLANs that break out via the... -posted to the "ExtremeWireless (WiNG)" community
You are subscribed to "ExtremeWireless (WiNG)" as botr@pcsys.dk. To change your subscriptions, go to My Subscriptions. To unsubscribe from this community discussion, go to Unsubscribe. | | |  | | Reply to Group Online View Thread Recommend Forward Flag as Inappropriate |
You are subscribed to "ExtremeWireless (WiNG)" as botr@pcsys.dk. To change your subscriptions, go to My Subscriptions. To unsubscribe from this community discussion, go to Unsubscribe. | | |  | | Reply to Group Online View Thread Recommend Forward Flag as Inappropriate |
You are subscribed to "ExtremeWireless (WiNG)" as botr@pcsys.dk. To change your subscriptions, go to My Subscriptions. To unsubscribe from this community discussion, go to Unsubscribe. | | |  | | Reply to Group Online View Thread Recommend Forward Flag as Inappropriate |
You are subscribed to "ExtremeWireless (WiNG)" as botr@pcsys.dk. To change your subscriptions, go to My Subscriptions. To unsubscribe from this community discussion, go to Unsubscribe. | | |