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How to factory reset WiNG AP 7522E?

How to factory reset WiNG AP 7522E?

New Contributor
How to factory reset WiNG AP 7522E?

New Contributor III
Is the AP connected to a controller? If yes you should be able to factory reset it there. If not managed by a controller then your only way to reset it is by accessing the console port of AP using a serial console cable following my instruction above.

If The AP is not accessible from the WEB or ssh session, you may be able to access it via a neighboring AP.

Each AP has a unique identifier called a MINT ID. Neighboring APs on the same broadcast domain has a list of it's neighboring APs.

If you go into one of the neighboring AP via ssh and enter "show mint neighbors"

It will produce a list of neighboring APs.

If you can eliminate the APs that are reachable, you can try to "connect mint-id xx.xx.xx.xx" - where xx.xx.xx.xx is the mint-id of the problem AP.

If it fails, you will need to utilize the AP-Discovery tool mentioned earlier.

Hi Albert, Gerald,

This is indeed good idea - in later code you can perform remote factory-reset through RF-Domain manager.

In case it is too difficult to get AP down from ceiling (connect with console) and you are not able to reach affected AP via adopting controller or RFDM, please raise a support case via Extreme Networks Case management portal.
I or one of my colleagues will assist you resetting that.


New Contributor
sorry.. can i login to AP via wifi ? because one of the AP is high on the warehouse ceiling?
i only have access to POE cable to AP?


New Contributor III
Hello Albert, You may factory reset your AP by accessing it via console. Log-in using these credentials. Login: reset Password: DefaultFactory You will be asked if you want to proceed just type (y) for yes You may also try this. Login to your AP Go to privilege mode by typing "en" Then type "delete startup-config" Then type " y" yes Then type "reload" for the AP to restart Hope this will help you. Regards, Gerald