Could someone let me know the management capacity of a WiNG AP (virtual controller) such as max concurrent clients, user entry, WLAN, a real controller.
Thanks Timo, the important information I need to know is the limitation of Captive portal database of entire wifi system when using Virtual controller mode with internal Radius server?
You can get this information from your local Extreme Networks SE.
I'm sure, that there are some documentation where you can get this information. But you need to point your needed information.
Client count for example is 128 or 256 per radio. I think it depend on you AP type. Also that's a number you hopefully would never see on a AP, because it's mostly not possible.
Thank you Timo, but I want to know some information not shown in the datasheet such as limited concurrent clients per site, limited user entry, WLAN, user database with Virtual controller?