Hi everyoneI have 3 doubts in which I needed you to help me
-I have a vx9000 installed with Nsight. Could I export the Nsight database to be treated by third-party software? Would it be exported from here?

-And on the other hand, I'm looking to replace Nsight with ExtremeGuest and I needed to know what captures one and the other. To know what I lose if I remove Nsight and install E-Guest. E-Guest I have not installed yet. Is there any comparison between these two platforms? Or some more explanatory document than the datasheet to see what each one specifically captures?
- And finally in the Extreme Guest specifications box, the part that says "user records in the database". Does it refer to 2 million users or 2 million user records? If a record refers for example when a client connects, another record when this same client enters a web, another record when changing web, etc. Or simply the client connects and whatever he does for E-guest is a single record.

E-guest also register unconnected customers, right?