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nsight vs e-guest

nsight vs e-guest

New Contributor III
Hi everyoneI have 3 doubts in which I needed you to help me

-I have a vx9000 installed with Nsight. Could I export the Nsight database to be treated by third-party software? Would it be exported from here?


-And on the other hand, I'm looking to replace Nsight with ExtremeGuest and I needed to know what captures one and the other. To know what I lose if I remove Nsight and install E-Guest. E-Guest I have not installed yet. Is there any comparison between these two platforms? Or some more explanatory document than the datasheet to see what each one specifically captures?

- And finally in the Extreme Guest specifications box, the part that says "user records in the database". Does it refer to 2 million users or 2 million user records? If a record refers for example when a client connects, another record when this same client enters a web, another record when changing web, etc. Or simply the client connects and whatever he does for E-guest is a single record.


E-guest also register unconnected customers, right?



New Contributor III

Hi, Shmulik.

I have already installed ExtremeGuest, I have enabled the database, enabled ExtremeGuest server and introduced the licenses.
On the other side I have a VX9000 with a Wi-Fi with authentication through captive portal and radius inside the controller.

I have followed the E-guest configuration manual and have reached the part where the vx9000 synchronization with ExtremeGuest is configured by using the following command within the vX9000 profile:

# eguest-server 1 host "ExtremeGuest IP address"

With this command I see that nothing happens in ExtremeGuest.

Is it necessary to configure the following steps that appear in the manual?
In the manual it states that I have to configure an AAA policy on the vx9000 pointing to ExtremeGuest, assign this AAA policy to a wlan and also create it in ExtremeGuest.

I understand then that all the configuration that I have in the VX9000 is not going to be used and I have to configure it again in ExtremeGuest.

I do not understand this part of the manual.

I would appreciate your help.


Extreme Employee
I will let the N-Sight experts respond here.



New Contributor III
Thank you shmulik for clarifying it and getting me out of my mistake.

I had heard that the E-guest registered the web visits of the clients. I have read the user manual and effectively E-Guest is not designed for that. Do you know any platform that does this?

Nsight comes to show a record of the most visited websites so I was interested in being able to manage the database with another application because I understand that if it is able to show the top of web visited by the client, it must have registered in its tables the web accesses of each client.

Thanks and regards.

Extreme Employee

Following is guidance to your last two points.

There is no comparison table as the two products N-Sight and ExtremeGuest are not comparable products. N-Sight is a visualizing and network statistics and events product for wireless where as ExtremeGuest allows you to manage guest access. Someone already posted a link for you on past question you had for docs - here is the link again: Is there any documentation available for E-GUEST (ExtremeGuest)?

Regarding the last point, the number of records in that table you are referring to is Unique MAC addresses and not record of user visits. Also, ExtremeGuest does not track user website visits so pages visited do not consume any records. ExtremeGuest focuses on providing network access to guests with their devices. Take a look at the material in the link above.



Extreme Employee
Jose, am checking a couple of things and will get back.

