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Outdoor Lightning Protection AP6562 Internal Antennas

Outdoor Lightning Protection AP6562 Internal Antennas

New Contributor II

What needs to be done to effectively protect an outdoor AP 6562 (int. antennas) from lightning?

In the antenna guide documentation I see there are lightning arrestors that are placed in-line with the antenna for the AP version with external antennas. Is there anything that goes with the internal antenna version or just proper grounding?

thank you in advance.


New Contributor II
We usually use L-Com, you can find lots of models here:

Like Eric mentions, the LPU needs to be near the entrance, I believe it's within 600mm of the point where the cable enters the building. For long runs or extra peace of mind you can install one more LPU near the AP. Don't forget that no amount of LPUs or ground points will help against a direct lightning strike to the AP, but it should protect the equipment behind it.

New Contributor III
Good morning. You'll have to install properly grounded lightning protectors on the cable itself where it enters the building. I believe that code requires them near the entrance, not necessarily where they finally terminate. You can usually find both rj45 and 110 style LP's, with or without Poe support. Some will support 1Gbps and others won't. L - COM is one vendor I've used. Another is ITW Linux. Eric