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Problems with AP650 being adopted by RFS6000

Problems with AP650 being adopted by RFS6000

New Contributor

For 2 years, we have APs failing to reconnect to our RFS after programmed electricity cut. They are shown as offline in Wing and phisically the Amber led is blinking every 2 sec. or so and the green led is off. I tried connecting them directly to the RFS but nothing changed. We bought 3 more APs on e-bay and we have the same issue. Tried to reset the AP using the Motorola_AP_Discovery_Tool but I see the AP connecting to the RFS and then disconnecting itself 3 or 4 seconds later. For now we have at least 5 unusable APs all with the same symptoms. Any help or advice would be appreciated as we still have to continue with this infrastructure for atl least 8 months. Thank you

New Contributor

issuing the mentioned command will only show me the 22 adopted (working) APs

New Contributor
Hello Andy,

Yes we do have sufficient licenses. The problem is that APs that worked fine, suddenly won't work anymore after the electricity cut. The APs that we have are not manageable and have no IPs on their own. They do connect to the RFS over layer2.
Strange thing is that even connected directly to the RFS I still get this amber light blinking and no adoption.

New Contributor II

From the RFs6000 that shows you with the following command via CLI

!### show adoption status

New Contributor
Hello Edmundo,

Thank you for your answer. Here is the version of our RFS that is running in a clustered environment:

Extreme Employee
There are a number of reasons why an AP650 would not adopt.

1) As in the previous response, the release on the controller and AP is important. If the AP in on Ver 4.X code and the Controller is on 5.4 or better, there is a sequence that needs to be followed to upgrade them. Please see your RELEASE NOTES.

2) How are you adopting. If the APs are in the same Broadcast domain, they will try to adopt over LAYER 2. If they are on a different subnet, you will need the set the CONTROLLER HOST variable on the AP to point back to the controller

3) If you are pushing a configuration to the AP that causes it to loose ADOPTION to the controller, the AP will revert back to its' last known good configuration

4) Do you have sufficient licenses