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Why doesn't it release a new version of Nsight ?

Why doesn't it release a new version of Nsight ?

New Contributor III

Does anyone know why is there still a buggy last version of NSIGHT since DECEMBER 2018 available when a Patch is released ?
Extreme did an article in June to indicate to contact the support to get this patch.
Considering the price of the solution and the TAC OS that the customer pays, I find this not very correct.
Are all developments focused on cloud offerings? As the patch has already been released, it shouldn't be very complicated to add it to a new version.

Is this product dying?

Thank you

Valued Contributor III
@tcheurby, I heard back from engineering. We are planning to release WiNG with a number of these critical fixes in early October. Of course, this timeline could slip, but that's the plan.

Valued Contributor III
Development resources have been diverted to other projects for the time being. I don't have a timeline for the next release, but Engineering and PLM are actively discussing this topic.
They're going to try to get me a better answer to share with you.

New Contributor III
@Drew C. Maybe you can transfer my request to someone who is in charge of that? Do you have a contact I could ask directly ?

Thank you

New Contributor III
Does anyone at Extreme know why we are in this situation?

Thank you