Hi Konstantinos,
here is new link - I probably checked wrong access rights.
Anyway, you are right about the self-registration. This allows everyone to access under condition client finishes registration. Might be OAUTH, Click&Tell etc...
If you provide the username / password you will capture MAC automatically as it is being recorded by Captive Portal. However, here we are hitting the limit of 86400 seconds.

Then, yet another issue - if you select AAA policy to be used here, it does not receive any EAP ID from client - remember this is not set on client!

Any authentication method (other than MAC) requires client to be induced in identification. But with open network client does not provide any.
So in the end authentication request will failover back to Captive Portal.
I am afraid there is only solution for this use case - externally hosted custom pages capturing the MAC used with an CP voucher and creating a
fake RADIUS guest user account based on the MAC address - quite demanding one.